
The “Charm of the PRL” Museum allows younger generations to get to know the past of their parents, while the older ones will be able to remember the brighter and darker sides of the People’s Republic of Poland (PRL). Welcome to our private space filled with souvenirs and symbols of the bygone era..


to create a unique space which would provide an authentic background to discuss this recent but at the same time already distant era. .


The museum was founded by Rafał and Marta Patla who are the owners of Adventure Warsaw company. Working as guides in Warsaw, travelling in historic Nysa 522 vans, they try to show the various stages of Polish history. And the latest stage of it does not have its own museum, not to mention a space that could serve as a background to the story of this bygone era. The first idea was to collect a few items and family memorabilia to create a flat form the communist times in the garage in Soho Factory.
The hall and the garage were demolished, so the whole concept had to be moved to the former Polish Optical Factory (PZO) where a PRL-like flat was created yet again... it was the year 2013.

/Museum yesterday.../

In 2013 we decided to open our doors not only for guests of Adventure Warsaw, but also for public. We have set the exhibition in old factory complex in Praga district. In the space of 100 sqm we showed the most important aspects of everyday life in Communist Poland. The museum enjoyed huge popularitywith guests from all around the world. The only problem was the location as it was difficult to find us. That situation pushed us to move and develop the museum into different, better location...

/Museum today/

Today, the exhibition is over 260 Sqm of space filled with stories, exhibits and pictures. The location is not coincidental as it perfectly fits to our main theme. The Constitution Square is the flagship district of communist architecture. We have a great viewing point for entire complex.
What is the exhibition about?
PRL is the time of many paradoxes. On the one hand, the reconstruction of the country from war damage was accompanied by enormous social enthusiasm, on the other, it was impossible to escape the intensified party propaganda of success, and the scale of persecution by the Security Service was unprecedented. The average inhabitant of PRL suffered the consequences and limitations resulting from the inefficiency of nationalized industry. However, it was also the time of increased creativity and resourcefulness. Although the quality of the gastronomy, including subsidized milk bars, left much to be desired, social, artistic and literary life thrived in cafes. Supply shortages left stores empty, but queues would line up anyway. What is at your fingertips today, was inaccessible to an ordinary citizen of the PRL. The aim of the exhibition is to show everyday life in the Polish People's Republic. The interiors and objects presented at the exhibition tell the story of how the policy of "people's rule" influenced the daily lives of citizens. They are valuable witnesses to history. They provide documentation of changing realities and social needs at a time when everything had to be "arranged" or organized. Small Fiat, Bambino phonograph, Frania washing machine – these are just a few of the PRL symbols that can be seen at the exhibition.


1: Joanna Żukowska – zdjęcie Bieruta z pogrzebu i świąt, rok 1953.
2: Karol Musiel - torba ortalionowa,lata 80 czapka biała Orbis,plany miast;14 ,Polska-Niemcy,misa,taca metalowa,emalia,
wiśnie- Korea – Południowa,lata 70-80,wieloczynnościowa tarka – 1988r,torba ortalionowa.
3: Kulczycki Sławomir - telewizor Vella.
4: Alicja Fojcik - szklaneczka różyczka duża, talerze emalia 3 szt.
5: Marek Klimkowski - wentylator, wiatrak, Predom.
6: Violetta Wincewicz - stacja telefoniczna, kieliszki.
7: Barbara Miadzielec - puzderko - tworzywo sztuczne z baletnicą, torebki papierowe SPHW,
Papierowe opakowanie 3 szt. odświeżacze, zaświadczenie 12.03.1962r. ramki, biblioteka przygód Bolka i Lolka, Yeti.
8: Michał Krzyżanek - mydła.
9: Katarzyna Jacuniewicz - syfon metalowy różowy, czajnik elektryczny, komplet pocztówek 3szt., maszyna do szycia,
lada,telefon, adapter. 10: Mirosław Grzegorek - książki, sukienki, namiot.
11: Elżbieta Laskowska - gazety, śmierć Stalina, Głos wolnego związkowca.
12: Jacek Lipski - gramofon, gazety.
13: Jacek Suwaj - butelka na mleko, półka, worek na mąkę, dwie puszki, dwie paczki zapałek.
14: Agnieszka Strzeszowska - zastawy kuchenne.
15: Danuta Szenajch - dwie pary łyżew.
16: P. Podbielscy- Kowalscy – papierosy, ramki na zdjęcia.
17: Robert Sawicki - mikrofony.
18. Jakub Dorosz - sztandar PZPR.
19. Anita Łygań - powiększalnik, kuchenka, czajnik.
20. Krystyna Mańturzyk - lokówka, suszarka.
21. Waldemar Czadki - syfony.
22. Karol Musiel - rzeczy kuchenne.
23. Jarek Trzaska - radia i kasety.
24. Jan Kołodziejewski - tara.
25. Jerzy Dąbrowski - szyld ZSMP. Lenin.
26. Artur Smułka - narty.
27. Maria Skwarska - maszyna PREDOM.
28. Sławomir Kulczycki - telewizor VELLA. 29. Stenia Szudman - mikser, sokowirówka.
30. Dariusz Parzelski - cukier, puszka kakao, wiertarka elektryczna ręczna, meble, kosz na śmieci, obrazek Madonna, krucyfiks, trzepaczka do dywanów, papier toaletowy, wata opatrunkowa, gaza, zapałki,butelka do karmienia.
31. A.K – puszka Rolimpex, puszka cacao, kredki drewniane, brązowe etui, pocztówki, okładki do zeszytów, elementarz, dziurkacz, przybornik do manicure i pedicure, kredki świecowe, ołówki automatyczne, tornister, waga, teczki rysunkowe, książeczki.
32. Krzysztof Lewandowski - telewizor, kosmetyki.
33. Janina Bralewska - radio Szarotka.
33. Sławomir Kulczycki - krótkofalówki, radio Ania, suszarka, budzik Poltik.
34. Wioletta Waszczuk - koszulka z załogą Czterech Pancernych i z psem Szarikiem.
35. Olga Naszczyńska - aparaty, stojak do pieczątek.
36. Adam Lewandowski - medale, mapy, gazety Trybuna Ludu, klaser ze znaczkami.
37. Arek Brożych - banknot 1000 zł, komiks.
38. Renata Lenard - płatki mydlane, kosmetyki, nici, ręcznie wyszywana kanwa, chusteczki, poszewka, pudełka, linijka, kartki żywnościowe.
39. Elżbieta Dudzian - torba lniana, serweta, kufle do piwa, aparat, gazeta Trybuna Ludu.
40. Tomasz Kaliński - żelazka, suszarka, kilimy.
41. Agnieszka Kawalkowska - suszarka, grzałki, golarka, sokowirówka.
42. Paweł Daszkiewicz - maszynka do lodów, kasetka.
43. Elżbieta Dudar - torba podróżna, liczydła, cukiernica, makatki.
44. Gabriela i Stanisław Iskierka - froterka.
45. Roman Piechowiak - orzeł bez korony, banknoty.
46. Karol Bilski - poduszka elektryczna.
47. Jarosław Maciej Zawadzki - klamra do spodni szytych w zakładach odzieżowych "Odra".
48. Elżbieta Torczyk - 50-cio letni miś, układanka.
49. Zofia Praszka - plakaty.
50. Agnieszka Prajsner - encyklopedie, książka.
51. Olga Noszczyńska - klocki, krzesełko.
52. Pan Wojciech Wróblewski - hulajnoga